I know a lot of people are strongly against being induced. Since it's all I know, it really isn't an issue for me. I have to admit, for a planner/list maker/control freak like me it's actually pretty nice! We have plans in place for the girls & dog. Bags get packed, house gets a good cleaning, all of the laundry is done. (Not to mention how much easier it makes the transition at school!)
That being said, it's also a bit of an odd feeling to go through your day knowing its the last time for all of your normal things. Our last time going to breakfast as a family of four. Our last "relaxing" evening for the foreseeable future. Our last morning to wake up slowly with Stella in our bed and get those precious morning snuggles in. We've spent the weekend trying our best to balance spending some good special family time together with getting ready and it's been so nice.
I know I worried about the same things with Lucy but with 2 littles here now and Lucy being younger, those fears are magnified this time. Add to that the fact that Jim's only taking a week off this time and I'm a little worried. I know we'll find our new normal, I'm just praying it comes relatively quickly!
Despite all of my concerns, we're all ready (well, the littlest may not be). Stella is about to burst and I'm trying to soak up the last few hours of pregnancy and seeing the girls around the belly. One thing's for sure, this house is never going to be the same!!!
Stella was loving on the baby and talking to her to make her squirm - one of the things I'll miss!