I first started reading blogs while searching for knitting patterns/information. I thought it might be fun to share some of my knits and other crafts as well. Since that time, we've lost two pups, bought a new house and had another miracle girl. The name Lotus Blossom was tied to my Etsy shop and it was just about ME (a nickname Jim used to call me for a silly reason). That doesn't seem to fit anymore. This blog is about so much more than me and I wanted the name to reflect that. Silly? Perhaps, but that's ok.
So, perhaps the new name sounds just as random to others as Lotus Blossom did. I just never came up with a creative play on words. For some reason "Bits and Pieces" came to mind. Partially (and most obviously) because it's about all of the different bits and pieces of my life. Family, crafting, our home, etc. More importantly though is what I hope it will always mean to my lovelies. Do you know that feeling when your heart swells and you just want to grab your little ones and just squish them to pieces? I always tell my girls that I "love them to bits and pieces" and quite frequently this saying simply becomes, "bits and pieces kid, bits and pieces." It's one of those things that I'll be able to say to them anywhere/anytime and others won't know what I'm talking about so it won't embarrass them. It's just ours.
Nothing's changing with the ole blog, the change in it's focus has already occurred. Now it just does a better job of reflecting that.
If you want to follow my I hope you'll bookmark the new address! http://sniderbitsandpieces.blogspot.com/
Want to celebrate with me? I have a vinyl saying that I'm going to put up in my hallway with pictures of the girls. "Loving them for who they are and who they will become." Jim's sick to death of the quotes, but I simply love this one! Check it out here. Want one for your house? I'm giving one away! Leave a comment here and I'll pick a winner randomly on Friday!
I said I wanted to work on taking and using more pictures of my girls with my camera as opposed to my phone and more specifically with my 50mm. Here are some random shots from yesterday:
Dinner table fun. This is pretty typical. Stella making funny faces and Lucy is completely amused!
She thinks Stella is SO hilarious!
Aw... kisses!